Tèxtils.CAT has launched the TEX-r-HUB project (recycling hub for technical textiles in Catalonia), co-financed by the Waste Agency of Catalonia under the Circular Economy Promotion program. The project’s objective is to develop a sectorial study to promote the circular economy in the advanced textile materials sector in Catalonia, connecting various companies in the ecosystem to facilitate the sector’s circularity.

The project aims to improve circularity in a sector primarily composed of SMEs by generating new opportunities for them to contribute to reducing environmental impact. The existence of a sectoral hub focused on textile recycling allows companies to manage their surpluses more efficiently, share knowledge, and more.

To develop the project, a database of companies and agents involved in the value chain of advanced textile recycling will first be created, identifying the technical recycling capabilities of each, the existing challenges for scaling them, and the growth opportunities.

The cluster will invite the involved sectoral agents to a series of co-creation sessions to identify future challenges and action lines to scale the network into a recycling hub. All collected information will be compiled into a technical and economic feasibility study of the solutions proposed by the hub in Catalonia.

Tèxtils.CAT has previously carried out several projects related to the circular economy, co-financed by previous calls from the same agency program.

TEX-r-HUB is another step in the green transition with a sectoral focus aimed at developing a tool for companies to facilitate recycling.